Collisionoverlap detection starts delayed

The only actor is going to overlap the fire (for now) is the character. One thing i forgot to mention is, the blood effect seems to work perfectly. In the very moment i cross the fire, the blood effect (the widget blueprint) appears on screen as it should, indicating that indeed the player is receiving damage. But the healh bar isnt moving at all, until it passes about 3 or 4 seconds.

You can already see where is checking if the player is in range. The variable “PlayerInradius”. It is set to false when the endoverlap event occurs (it is down the screen you cant see it) and it is set to true in the screenshot above.

Anyways, i think the issue is with the healthbar image, because i tested printing msgs on the screen and the health is going down in the moment the player enters the collision box. Maybe is not binded correctly. Will check that out.

Hi. I have a small issue trying to setup an overlap event when the character walks through, for example, fire. →

The scripts works fine , but the problem i have is, that when the character enters the volume for the first time, it wont trigger until several seconds passed. I dont have a clue how to solve this. Any ideas what could be wrong?

Heres the blueprint node. What it does is to check if the character is in range, then it takes away player health and it shows a ui with a blood effect (i called it “damage player”), then it adds a small delay and then check again if the player is in range and repeat the process. If the player health reaches 0, it plays the death animation. Keep in mind it is not finished, it is the first test i do trying to solve this issue first.

Thanks in advance.

Want to see the part where you check if the player is in Range, and want to know how you check if the Player recives Damage? Do you log it somewhere or display it in a UI? If you display it somewhere could be simply a rounding thing since you decrease health by 0.1 only.

Another thing you should check is your Output Log. You don´t store the Values that come from your Overlap Event and thats screams at me that there will be access None Errors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: its unsafe regardless because if another Actor walks in you pull the wrong refference.

All I can say the Code you have right now is fine for what it does. Problem is within your Widget. Like I said you only decrease 0.1 from Health and if you got 1000 Health (Progressbar I assume) won´t really move a lot or not at all.

If you are usuing a Healthbar be aware it takes a range from 0 to 1 and you got to Calculate that with CurrentHealth / MaxHealth

Oh man. Im stupid. It turns out that i completely forgot i still didnt have the health of the player capped. And i had a couple of health items placed that i was picking… so, i had more health than the default value. lol.

It works perfectly fine… for a moment i was losing my mind. Anyways, sorry for the trouble.

Lol I just did the same thing, but my problem was I forgot i increased my base health and armor for testing purposes. Your comment actually just made me think of that, funny ■■■■.