UI Fonts destroyed after upgrading to 4.16.1

Light UI fonts look wrong when scaling - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums Roboto Light - Char spacing bug - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums
Light font formatting incorrectly - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums

Fixed in 4.16.2 (or right now if you’re running a 4.16 source build).


4.16.2 hasn’t been released yet so the default tag for the 4.16 branch is probably still 4.16.1.

Hello there,

Today I upgraded my project from 4.15.1 to 4.16.1 (Unreal Source Build)
Everything seems to work. (except GameSparks is bugging me each time at start up that it’s made for an older version of UE)

I just have one major problem, the spacing between letters has gone haywire, as you can see in this image

This goes for every UI menu in the whole game. (It’s the same at runtime)

I just downloaded the source build about 5 hours ago, how can I still be on 4.16.1 :O.

Trying this fix at the moment: Light UI fonts look wrong when scaling - UI - Unreal Engine Forums

Rebuiding now, will let you know if it worked!

Doesn’t work, but I see a new build has just been committed half an hour ago, ■■■■. I know what I’ll be going tomorrow!

And this?