How to load a map from PAK File

Sorry For My Poor English.
I want to build a system that can make player add some mods to the game.
The first thing I want to do is let player add their own maps.
I think It can be done by load player’s PAK File.
Here is the code:

IPlatformFile& PlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();
FPakPlatformFile* PakPlatform = new FPakPlatformFile();
PakPlatform->Initialize(&PlatformFile, TEXT(""));
return PakPlatform->Mount(*PakFileName, 0, *FPaths::GameContentDir());

I try to load a DLC Pak that create from SunTemple Project.
it will return True. so I think the PAK File has been successful Mounted.
But When I use “Open SunTemple” command,It show this:


I guess it was because I mount the pak file at a wrong location.So I test the following directory:
all of these are not work.
I have no idea how to fix that. can anyone help me?

What did you include for these headers? My code can not get refrences for these and I’m not sure what to include …


I Use Visual Assist to help me include header files. I search the document and I think you should include IPlatformFilePak.h.

hi,now i face the same question,have you deal it?

no…I have not find any solution.