Android Google Play Services Crash

I ran into this issue too, I noticed that the crash sometimes happens in the Distribution build (For Distribution checkbox in the packaging tab) and also Google Play services fails to login in Distribution build, however Shipping build without Distribution is fine. Can you double check this ?

I found out that missing play-services-nearby folder caused that problem.

Thanks anyway.

everything setup as Google Play Setup - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Crashed when trying to execute"Show External Login UI" on blueprint.

Am I missing something?

Logcat is like this:

06-30 20:38:40.232: V/GamesNativeSDK(15642): Attached to JVM on thread -1354864336
06-30 20:38:40.233: V/GamesNativeSDK(15642): Using classes from /data/user/0/com…/app_.gpg.classloader/d75c8e1bbeab9e1ddffb9d332585db71.jar.
06-30 20:38:40.243: I/XiaomiFirewall(15487): firewall pkgName:com…, result:0x0
06-30 20:38:40.253: E/GamesNativeSDK(15642): Exception in dalvik/system/DexClassLoader.loadClass: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn’t find class “” on path: DexPathList[[zip file “/data/user/0/com…/app_.gpg.classloader/d75c8e1bbeab9e1ddffb9d332585db71.jar”],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]].

Which folder are you talking about exactly ?