How do I change the ShooterGame menu to load my scene instead of sanctuary?

I’ve been playing around with all the C++ code inside the source of the ShooterGame 4.1, but can’t seem to figure out how to make it so that it’ll load my map “Underground”. I went in and changed all the things labeled “Sanctuary” to “Underground”, but that didn’t seem to work. Any suggestions on how I can do this? Thanks in advance!

Hi Transmedia,

In the Project Settings you’ll find the tab that says “Maps & Modes.” Here you can select the game default map and the editor startup map. You can change it to your map so long as it’s been saved in your map folder. After you’ve set the map you can hit “set as defaults” at the top bar. This will load your map in place of the default next time you start up your project.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Thank you!


Hi Tim,

Thank you for the answer.

Is there a way to add the level to the menu?
I’m asking this because I would like to create and play more then one level based in the shooter game example.
Having a separate build for each different level does not seem ideal, and since there is a menu entry with two selectable levels already I figure there must be a way but haven’t fount an answer yet.

Should this be a new question?

Thanks in advance,

It probably wouldn’t hurt as a new question but it’s OK here as well.

This will require delving into some of the C++ code to add the level to the menu since ShooterGame was done almost entirely with C++.

There is post on the forums that goes through the process.

Let me know if you have any trouble.

Thank you!
