Why won't setting the Camera Manager Class in Player Controller work via Blueprint?

I’m trying to allow 2 sets of camera/control behaviors to be switched between, by pressing a button. I have different sets of default settings in 2 different PlayerCameraManager classes, and both work as intended when assigned in the Defaults for the PlayerController that I’m using. The problem is when I attempt to set the Player Camera Manager Class in the blueprint graph for the player controller, it has no effect in gameplay. I have it set to play a sound and output text to the screen to make sure the nodes are firing,
but there is no change in the control/camera behavior.
Is there something else I need to do, or is it impossible to change the camera behavior parameters in realtime?

I’ve found that hooking up the set Player Camera Manager Class node works if you hook it up to the construction script, but it does not seem to function in the EventGraph. Is there a workaround or solution for this?

The PlayerCameraManager is only set in the constructor / construction script, so you cannot change it at runtime.

But as a suggestion, why dont you make your 2 PlayerCameraManagers just one and split it with a “Branch” node through setting a boolean? This way you have all the logic inside one PlayerCameraManager and still can switch between different behaviours.
