Error: Particle system component is pending kill

Create a particle component reference variable (or right click on return value and select promote to variable) and Set this with spawned particle after you spawned the particle.

After delay node you can get this reference and check Reference/Object still valid with IsValidNode :slight_smile:
If true you can run your further code with particle system.

Btw this error message i think come from two main thing.
One: if you checked “kill after finish” in particle (im not sure this is the right naming, but something with kill or deactivate) particle will destroy himself and with delay node you want destroy again :wink:

Two: after you pressing escape, editor will instantly restore everything to default, that means runtime spawned actors/components will be deleted, but because of delay node destroying will be called by engine… (not sure about this, but can be)

Anyway if you always set your references in variable and do IsValid checks, your code is in safe :wink:

So I’m spawning an emitter at location when I use an object - in this case, opening a door. Everything works fine but when I exit out of PIE, I get an error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access ParticleSystemComponent_0 via property Emitter, but ParticleSystemComponent_0 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Interactable’ from node: DestroyComponent in graph: EventGraph in object: BP_Interactable with description: Attempted to access ParticleSystemComponent_0 via property Emitter, but ParticleSystemComponent_0 is pending kill

I’m not sure how to fix this or if it will impact performance if I have several doors in my scene and the player interacts with them several times.

Here’s my event graph:

You can resolve these kind of errors when adding a IsValid? node after the delay node and targeting the emitter.
For your example also connect the IsValid? fail output node with the reset function.