No option to Cast to ProjectileMovementComponent


I am unable to locate a cast to ProjectileMovementComponent when trying to alter velocity of an actor on an overlap event. I can retrieve velocity of Actor and Component but am unable to set it.

I would have thought that I could cast component to a ProjectileMovementComponent and upon successful cast, I can set velocity.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

I’m also greatly interested in an answer to this.

I’m trying to set a projectile’s velocity right after spawning it from weapon’s blueprint. I cannot figure out what to cast to - projectile component is missing from list.

Hoping to find out if this is an issue or just something that I (or we) are missing.

You’re right, this is an issue. I’ve made fix and submitted a PR.

Hopefully it’ll make it into 4.4

/ Kyle

Hey all,

Projectile Movement is already accessible when you cast to Blueprint using it. Casting is a way access components of another Blueprint, but you don’t actually cast to component itself. For example, if you Spawn Actor from Class and select a projectile Blueprint as your class, you can then pull off Return Value and find Projectile Movement.

In image Roddy posted, it seems like you want to get Projectile Movement from a projectile that overlaps a sphere component. If that’s case, you first need to cast to projectile’s blueprint. Then you can get Projectile Movement component and set any of its variables from there.

Hope that makes some sense. Let me know if there are other issues or if you have other questions.

Ha you’re right. I missed that, sorry!

I’ll cancel PR.