Where are the Slate models located?

So I’ve been trying to track down the code where UMultiLineEditableText computes the current line’s size and decides whether to wrap or not. This has led me to SMultiLineEditableText, and to the Slate concept of splitting into view/model and binding the Text member variable in the view to a function in the model that tells it how to update (the docs use the word “Delegate” in referencing Text, is that consistent with the concept in this page?).

Once I get to the underlying Slate widget though, I can’t find where the actual model is (I’m assuming that’s where the size is computed and all). Where might those files be?

To be clear, I’m trying to figure out where the “Model Data” in the image in this section of the Slate docs would actually live. If someone can point me specifically to where the text wrapping is handled for widgets, that would be even better.

It might be easier for you to understand it when you Open up UMG and play around with the Bindings. UMG is Slate under the hood so almost everything you read in the Slate docs applies to UMG aswell.

And for your size Question look into ComputeDesiredSize it usually calls pretty deep and you end up somewhere in FTextLayout. And everything prefixed with “S” is a Slate Widget. Your Model Data can be anything like the name Variable from your Character or data that comes from your UWidget itself.

Appreciated! From the way the documentation words it, I thought there would be a defined model class for each view. It sounds like it’s just whatever data gets added to the widget, though.

The ComputeDesiredSize recommendation was right on as well, thanks!