Checking a volume for collision outside of play mode

I’m currently trying to write my own pathfinding system for 3d movement (a spaceship). I’m trying to make an octree to make higher resolution pathfinding data near complex geometry.

In order to do this, I need a function to check for blocking collisions in the editor (since I want to be able to bake the nav data and then just load it in game). Preferably, it would be a function such as Unity’s Physics.CheckBox, but if there’s some other way to do it, I’m game.

I’ve tried looking around for it, but I don’t really know what to search. I mostly get very simple collision setup walkthroughs.

all you need is a pointer to your editor world. Than you can use the normal ray trace functionality.


This wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but I found what I needed because of your comment! :smiley:

The function I was looking for was OverlapAnyTestByChannel for those in my footsteps. I haven’t implemented it yet, but it seems like I can test for collisions using several collision shapes, one of them being a box.

So thanks Matze!

Your welcome.
It was only meant as an example, written off the top of my head