Blueprint not showing up in editor anymore after power outtage!

There are folders called Backup and Autosave somewhere in Saved or Immediate folders. Maybe you will find some version of that file in there.

Hi, I’m kind of freaking out. I was compiling a large animation blueprint when my power unexpectedly went out due to severe thunderstorms. This was also not checked into source control of any kind.

When I reopened the project, I got compilation errors because that animation blueprint can no longer be found (variables that previously referenced it are now of type “Object”).

However, I was able to find its *.uasset file in my project’s content folder. So I’m really really hoping that nothing is permanently lost.

How can I get the editor to recognize that uasset file again? I tried to import it, but the dialog doesn’t seem to accept *.uasset files. Also, strangely enough, if I delete the file from the content folder and load up my project, I get a bunch of errors complaining that it can’t find that file.

Again, it crashed during compilation; almost immediately after I clicked the compile button. I’m not sure what steps the engine takes after compilation starts, but I’m really hoping that “delete everything” isn’t one of those steps.

Thanks, replacing the uasset in the content folder with one from the backups actually worked! I lost a bit of work but nothing catastrophic :slight_smile:

I thought that the issue was that the engine manages assets through some centralized file manifest/listing or something, and that file got messed up when it crashed. Apparently, it was my asset that got corrupted, and the engine simply attempts to load everything from the content directories. That’s useful information!