Having an issue with my skill cooldown setup

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sry was a bit to fast move the Dodge after the first Branch if you want to use the Optional Timer reset correctly. Works also without the optional part =)

I haven’t found anything online to point me in the right direction, so I’ve had to try to get creative. Please let me know if something (or multiple things) are off.

I have a dodge skill, which is functioning great. The idea is to be able to dodge 3 times in succession, with a cooldown after the third dodge.

Here’s where it gets a little sticky:

  • If I dodge once, but don’t dodge a second time within 2 seconds, I want to revert to the first stage of the process.

The same logic applies to the next set.

  • If I dodge twice, but don’t dodge a third time-- I want to revert to step 2, and subsequently step 1 if an additional 2 seconds pass.

Here’s what I have so far:


  • The ExecutionCorral is empty. It’s just used as a zip-tie.

  • The default value for the DodgeOrder integer is -1

  • The boolean DodgeCooldownOver? is set to true as default

Thank you in advance!

Edit: simplified image, added bold, etc

Hey, thanks for the reply!
I’ll check it out and get back to you. :slight_smile:

It looks like the dodging effects are still there, but the character is no longer moving any distance when dodging. Also, the cooldown doesn’t seem to stop the character from dodging over and over again.

You’re a pro! Works like a charm. :smiley:

On a side note, it looks like when I collapse the whole dodging logic into a single node, something changes, making my ‘launch character’ null. Good to know!

Thank you, man. I really appreciate it.