Custom thumbnail for class

@Jackblue thank you for replay.

what if I do something like:

    #ifdef WITH_EDITOR
       #include "SlateCore.h"
       class FMyDefaultGameModuleImpl : public FDefaultGameModuleImpl { ....... }
       IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE(FMyDefaultGameModuleImpl, MG3, "MG3");
       IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE(FDefaultGameModuleImpl, MG3, "MG3");

cuz I only need to change some class thumbnails while developing. and thats it !


I am trying to set custom thumbnails, in the editor, for my c++ actor classes, since to search image by eye is faster than to read class names, especially when there are alot classes in one folder.

after some search I have reached to do this:


class AMyActor : public AActor {
static TSharedPtr< class FSlateStyleSet > StyleSet;



TSharedPtr< FSlateStyleSet > AMyActor::StyleSet = nullptr;

void AMyActor::foo() {
	StyleSet = MakeShareable(new FSlateStyleSet("MyActorStyleSet"));
	StyleSet->SetContentRoot(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Editor/Slate"));
	StyleSet->SetCoreContentRoot(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate"));

	auto brush = new FSlateImageBrush( 
		, FVector2D(64.0f, 64.0f)

	StyleSet->Set("ClassThumbnail.AMyActor", brush);

my questions is:

1- where should I call foo() ?
I have tried to call it from PostInializeComponents() but the editor crashed. ( noob ^^)

2- is this line ok ?
StyleSet->Set(“ClassThumbnail.AMyActor”, brush);

thank you.

you have to do that in the StartupModule() method of your game module.

thank you MatzeOGH . this solved it ^^
still I am not sure if what I have did is the right way to do it.
I’ll post what I did in the next comment …

for beginners like me, this solution should work : (I am not sure if this way is ok to edit my game module )

my project name MG3, the file MG3.cpp by default is:

#include "MG3.h"

so I have edited it to the following:

#include "MG3.h"


#include "SlateStyle.h"
#include "SlateStyleRegistry.h"

class FMyDefaultGameModuleImpl
	: public FDefaultGameModuleImpl {
	static TSharedPtr< class FSlateStyleSet > StyleSet;
	virtual void StartupModule() override {
		StyleSet = MakeShareable(new FSlateStyleSet("PlyrOPStyleSet"));
		StyleSet->SetContentRoot(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Editor/Slate"));
		StyleSet->SetCoreContentRoot(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate"));

		auto brush = new FSlateImageBrush(
			StyleSet->RootToContentDir(TEXT("Icons/AssetIcons/PaperCharacter_64x"), TEXT(".png"))
			, FVector2D(64.0f, 64.0f)

		StyleSet->Set("ClassThumbnail.MPlayerOP", brush);

	virtual void ShutdownModule() override {


TSharedPtr< FSlateStyleSet > FMyDefaultGameModuleImpl::StyleSet = nullptr;


MPlayerOP is the class name that I want to change its thumbnail.

thanks for everyone in ue answers ^^ . special thanks to MatzeOGH.

In my opinion, setup this kind of stuff on your game module is tricky.
Create an Editor module to add custom style to assets, actors, etc…

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