Pawn not spawning (Gamemode issue)

So i recently came across an issue which is not so obvious to everyone, and thought to share it here.

I created a Firstperson project, created my own gamemode, but basically used ThirdPerson blueprints with it. This worked until a crash, and afterwards no matter what pawn, controller, gamestate, instance etc i used, the player pawn was not spawning, instead always the spectator pawn spawned.

This was resolved with using a fresh copy of a FirstPerson gamemode blueprint.

It turns out the gamemode overwrite function ReadyToStartMatch caused to spawn a spectator spawn, instead of the player pawn.

Topic: Game Mode spawn no pawns, just spectators.

I had a similar “problem”, this questions/answer helped me a lot.
Perhaps someone find this thread with the same problem. When calling “Event handle Starting New Player” in a child Game Mode, no pawns are spawned. Just buggy spectator. You can call the parent of “Event handle Starting New Player” (Parent: Handle Starting New Player" named in editor) than it works fine. Needed hours to find why no pawns are spawned anymore.
Hope it helps someone.


Spent hours looking for this answer, thank you. Fixed it for me.

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Thank you! This was driving me crazy!

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