Branch always returning true

It could simply be to do with float inacurracy. set it to > than 1 or .1 see if that helps.

I’ll start right off the bat with this picture:

As you can see in this picture, in the right corner, if the speed ( walking/running speed of the character) is 0, the character isn’t running, but if it’s above 0, it’s because it’s running, easy, right?

Well, here’s what happens in-game (I used some print strings to help):

At the start, without moving the character

While moving:

stopping again

True? It’s not supposed to be true
The only other place where I’m using this bool is here:

Does anyone have any idea why this happens? Thank you for the help.

Yap, that helped!
Thank you

Edit: What did I do: set the value of the > node to 0.1