How can I create a subobject for user-defined class?

I’m trying to make a third-person-shooting game. I made Weapon Class having some logic for spawning bullets.

Then I tried to add the weapon in PlayerCharacter class, like this:

// PlayerCharacter.h
APlayerCharacter : public ACharacter {
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Player", meta = (AllowProtectedAccess = "true"))
    class AWeapon* Weapon;

// PlayerCharacter.cpp
APlayerCharacter::APlayerCharacter() {
    Weapon = CreateDefaultSubobject<AWeapon>(TEXT("Weapon"));
    Weapon->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetIncludingScale, FName(TEXT("index_01_r")));

There is no compile error but the weapon is not added into PlayerCharacter’s blueprint . So, how can I make the PlayerCharacter possess the weapon?

Do it in BeginPlay using SpawnActor.

Weapon = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AWeapon>(FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator::ZeroRotator);
Weapon->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetIncludingScale, FName(TEXT("index_01_r")));