How to read a mesh's collision bounds

I need a way to read the AABB bounds of a mesh’s collision, but all the bounds-related functions I found return the render mesh bounds. Is there a way to get only the collision bounds?

Hi pedro_clericuzzi

Can you achieve what you need with


This would return you a FVector based on this :

FVector GetExtent() const
	case ECollisionShape::Box:
			return FVector(Box.HalfExtentX, Box.HalfExtentY, Box.HalfExtentZ);
	case  ECollisionShape::Sphere:
			return FVector(Sphere.Radius, Sphere.Radius,  Sphere.Radius);
	case ECollisionShape::Capsule:
			// @Todo check height? It didn't check before, so I'm keeping this way for time being
			return FVector(Capsule.Radius, Capsule.Radius, Capsule.HalfHeight);

	return FVector::ZeroVector;

Hope this helps

I tried that but I got the a bounding box as big as the render mesh. I’m trying this with a mesh that has a much smaller box collision set in Maya. The collision shows fine in the mesh editor. Anyway, I moved to a different approach using a BoxComponent’s bounding box, thanks!