Does Unreal have a way of displaying color which inherits a color per character akin to *nix terminals for UI with autoscroll or carriage-return?

you can set the color of each text block, using SetColorAndOpacity. if you want one word to have different colored letters, each color change will have to be a separate text block, added to the container. if you want word wrap/ carriage return, you can use a wrap box. otherwise, you can use a horizontal box.

I’m writing a terminal prompt and I’m wondering if a way exists to feed individual characters a color value that Unreal can parse or understand. My knowledge of programming is pretty much limited to Blueprints (you may laugh) but I’m having an incredible amount of fun.

I get that I’m going to have to write a buffer to make the text autoscroll, with each marker in the buffer being a value from an array, but I’m wondering if its possible to create highlight text or change the color of the text or the highlight within the UI widget system of Unreal.

To clarify, this isn’t being used to print text for debugging (I do that separately) but for game-play purposes with the capacity to act as an input field and receive simple commands as a pretend prompt.

If not, how would you go about this?

Also, is there a way to disable text anti-aliasing for a text-box object in Unreal? Thanks.

So basically the same as using different cells on a display. Makes sense actually. Thank-you, thats quite clever.