How to Scale an Image in UMG to the ViewPort Size?

If you set the anchor to the edges like this

It will always fill the entire viewport it is assigned to. If it’s a complex image it will lead to stretching though.

THAT IT IS LOL! I asked the question a few days ago already, no answer. I’m starting to think its just an editor bug, i’ll have to test it out when I package have multiple clients on different PCs. I’ll mark this as answered :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you again

I want my umg image to resize via the resolution of the viewport, currently it just shows the image the size set in umg 1920x1080, and if you have a smaller resolution it just shows the center of the image not the whole image resized.

I’m trying to make an after image for a flashbang effect and it works great in 1080p, but if I change the viewport size(resolution) then the after image looks bigger than what I’m seeing and this just won’t do!

I got some pics to show what I mean/what I’ve got.
resized viewport, He’s HUGE!

working good at 1080p (the set image size)

wrapped it in a scalebox but that didn’t work

Thank you, that worked out well, its not perfect, but its pretty close to it i’ll take it! Now if I could just get this Render target to screen capture for the clients independently rather than the highest client index replacing every other clients render target image. Because if more than one gets flashed it shows the after image of the highest client index for all clients flashed. if that even makes sence lol.

That’s a fairly different question. I would recommend marking this question answered and ask it as a seperate question so that it gets more attention.

Thanks man