How is proper crouching/rolling done?


I am trying to implement crouching in my 2DSideScroller example project (C++).

It is an infinite stroller (Player always moving rightwards), and when the player presses down, the player will crouch for one second and then stand up again.

Code for crouching:

GetCapsuleComponent()->SetCapsuleHalfHeight(normalCapsuleHalfHeight / 2.f);
    (FVector(0.f, 0.f, - (normalCapsuleHalfHeight / 4.f)));
GetCameraBoom()->AddLocalOffset(FVector(0.f, 0.f, normalCapsuleHalfHeight / 2.f));

Sketch of what’s happening;

And this works perfectly fine. After 1 second, when the timer has expired, I just reverse it.

GetCameraBoom()->AddLocalOffset(FVector(0.f, 0.f, -(normalCapsuleHalfHeight / 2.f)));
        (FVector(0.f, 0.f, normalCapsuleHalfHeight / 4.f));

However, I’m guessing that a frame is being rendered in between those three operations, and this results in an ugly ‘camera jump’. The camera is supposed to be stationary during a crouch/roll…so how is this usually done?

I never get the ugly frame when rolling, only when standing up again, any ideas?

EDIT: The camera jitter still happens even if I translate the capsule upwards before restoring it to it’s original size

For some reason, no jitter happens when I don’t bother translating the character upwards after restoring the capsule component to it’s original height.

I just used this, and added a workaround to make sure the player doesn’t die for that one frame where he is in the terrain.