How to kill a player, respawn back in the world

When the player dies, start an internal timer and when it is done either rerun a setup script that teleports the player or call a setup function outside of the player class that handles it for you. Upon each death you just increase the variable that controls the timer with for example 30 sec and you use a MAX node to cap it.


You can find a guide on how to respawn the player here:

As for the spawn timer, you can do something like this while following the guide: create a float variable(default is whatever you want, mine starts at 0) and add whatever amount you want to wait for spawn. Check to see if it has reached or is over the max time. If it has, set the delay to the max and if it hasn’t, set the delay to the float variable. Then spawn.

How to kill the player, then respawn back in the game world?

Each time this happens the respawn takes longer and is capped to a certain amount of time?

Any pics to show this?

I usually always mess up.

This guide workslink text that vivalabugz mentioned. I just have one question. If i die once it works but if i die the second time it doesn’t update. how can i fix that?

do you have blueprints to show what you’re trying?

I fixed what i did wrong. I was calling the respawn after i already destroyed the actor. Now that i call respawn before i destroy the actor it works