[Question/C++] Using UCanvas on Custom Widget?

Hey everyone who seeing this,

I’m currently new to UE4, and trying to understand how the things are going.

Anyway, im currently trying to make Item info popup panel using UMG, which pops up when you hover your mouse into icon item, and saying its name, damage,description text and so much more.


For now its just displaying its name and few informations, and i will be adding tons of information into this popup box,
and i will be using vertical box and adding texts into the vertical box.

But the problem is, i actually don’t like the ’ way ’ to make this information box. i made a health bar which shows up on enemy head, i used widget component before but i changed it to be done in HUD class, ( also used C++ and you know, some DrawText function and DrawRect thing. )
I love the way to draw elements using C++ code. giving them coordinate and some arguments to draw elements. Not adding pointless panels like vertical,horizontal,overlay things to draw something more.

I also look into engine code to see how engine draws default UMG Widgets like text , progressbar. it seems they have SNew function to make new slate component into themselves.
Also look into the ’ slate ’ code but they looks so hard to understand.

Here is my question.
Is there a way to add UCanvas ( HUD class uses this to draw things. ) into Custom Widget so i can use like below?

Widget.Canvas.DrawText(X=10,Y=10,Text = ITEM_NAME)

Widget.Canvas.DrawText(X=10,Y=30,Text = " Damage : 30 ")

Widget.Canvas.DrawText(X=10,Y=50,Text = " This is sword. ")

Thanks a lot!

Solved. it seems like i should make my own custom slate using C++ to achieve what i wanted eventually.