How to make UPROPERTY editable in Editor Mode (plugin)?

Just for good measure try using:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="qwert")
int32 myProperty

It may be you need to define your “int” as an “int32” specifically as well as “BlueprintReadWrite”.

Hi Everyone! Thanks for your answers, I think I didn’t give you enough info about my problem. I’m trying to make an editor mode plugin, and I can’t really find any documentation on how to make the UI for the plugin itself. I know how to build UI with Slate, but I don’t know that how to bind the UI with my plugin. Should I declare my UPROPERTY(s) in the Toolkit class, or where? Or should I add an UCLASS with PROJ_API, declare the UPROPERTY there? (I think it won’t show up.) Thanks again for all the comments!

Hi! Is there any other solution to make an UPROPERTY editable (or make some UI) than making Detail Customizations, and making Slate UI? (Or should the “normally” defined UPROPERTY-s appear?)

Could you please define it more? If you want a property to be editable in editor mode than you just have to make it EditAnywhere.

Hi! I’m trying to make an Editor Mode plugin, and UPROPERTY-s not really seem to do anything… Even after making UPROPERTY EditAnywhere, and I gave a category to it, but all it does is nothing… Here’s how I made the UPROPERTY:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "qwert")
		int asdf;

Not really good with this, but make sure you use a UCLASS and your PROJECT_API tag

I think EditAnywhere is quite enough for what he wants. He might be having issue with creating blueprint with C++ class. 11agembelag is that what you’re having trouble with?