Spawn Emitter On Hit Client problem

Hi everyone!

I’m having a problem with Spawn Emitter At Location’s consistency. I expanded the First Person example with network functionality and have the server spawn a projectile and when the projectile hits a surface, the client spawns an emitter at that location. I think the problem is that the client doesn’t always register that as a hit, even though the server does. You can see in the video below that the server logs the name of the actor hit, while the client sometimes does not. You can see in the video that the explosion sometimes happens and sometimes it doesn’t.

The Projectile is set to replicate and it’s fired from an event that happens on the server.

How would I go about solving this issue?

Video of the problem:

I don’t know if you still have this problem, but it might be because the actor manages to get destroyed on the server before the client gets to spawn an emitter. (Ie, server gets message, destroys actor, sends destroyed actor message, gets intercepted by the client before the client gets to do the hit-detection). Classic network race-condition

Solved my problem, thanks!

Please How Did you solve the problem