For weapons capable of automatic firing, how to add a delay to single-shot?

I’ve set up automatic fire using blueprints & timers similarly to this post.

Shooting is achieved by an event that fires a bullet and loops every second(or WeaponFireRate). Automatic fire works great and as expected. The issue is that some weapons that I want to use will have a slow firing rate with automatic fire and you can circumvent that by rapidly clicking left click. I’ve tried some fixes like setting a variable “isFiring” on and off in spots and branching the firing with that but I must’ve missed something because that didn’t work; also tried a time-consuming workaround involving a cooldown timer set to the duration of the remaining OnFire timer before that gets cleared with my StopFiring event – huge waste of time because I couldn’t figure it out there as well.

Has anyone solved this issue before or know of a way to fix it? I’ve searched around a bit and found one post having the same issue but no answer.

I’ve looked for weeks on this topic and haven’t seen a single video even gloss over it

Hi iLukey. I’ve got something for you an your automatic rifle :P. You have to set the speed (BPM) you want for each weapon and set them as automatic or not. With those variable you’ll be fine to make something like this. So everygun with shoot a different speed with BPM variable and the retriggerable delay if your weapon are automatic or not.
So you can hold the fire key and shoot everything :smiley:
Dont forget for managing all the different info for all gun i’m working with data table.

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