An Unreal Process Has Crashed: UE4-FortniteGame

same prob…

[link text][1]I purchased the Game Super Deluxe Package after installing I launched the program and the Game Launcher loads and I login successfully. The Green launch is shown I click it to start FortNite and the application crashes. How do I fix this issue


Thank you for reporting this issue, although Answerhub is for issues related to Unreal Engine 4 in particular. For support with Fortnite and for reporting these types of issues, please go to

As for reporting crashes in particular, simply filling out the crash reporter window that comes up with your specifications and what happened prior to the crash would be best. All of those crash reports do go into our database and are checked.

For submitting support tickets on your own, the “Email Us” button on the right side of the page is the best option.

Ihave dolownd this game lasd day and play a litel with it Icam this time to play it but it say Ihave to dolowd it again ? it made me realy mad cz it take sow much time for it to dowlownd