AI Not pathfinding intelligently


Thank you!!! I figured it out - I had nav links on 2 directions!!

Neglected to mention that lol

So I was wondering what would cause such behavior that my zombies huddle together below a cliff if my player is on the cliff. I have a crowd ai programmed in, and another thing I wanna mention is the zombies jitter when getting close to each other, which shouldnt happen in the first place with crowdAI. So, anyone know how to fix this or has experienced this before?

It suggests that they failed to find a path all the way to the player, so they pathed to a point that is nearby on the X-Y plane as a fallback. You need to use the nav mesh visualization (press P in editor/simulate mode) and the gameplay debugger (activated by apostrophe key by default I think) to see what’s going on.

Navigation testing actors are also very useful for debugging the navigation at editor time. Drop 2 on a map, mark one as Search Start, and select the second under Other Actor. You can then move them around and it will show the path found.