Just downloaded Unreal Engine, Epic Games Launcher crashes upon startup

This has been driving me insane for the past 2 hours. I’ve just downloaded it, installed it and it crashes a few seconds later. I have yet to log in once. I checked the Epic Games Launcher log file and they all end with ‘LogCEF3Utils:Error: Failed to get CEF3 DLL handle for …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/CEF3/Win64/libcef.dll: (193)’
I’ve tried reinstalling and even manually replacing that .dll file with one I’ve found online. Some help would be appreciated.


Were you able to find solution to this problem?

same for me … I can’t play now --’ i have played few days on Fortnite before :confused: i’ve paid the Legendary edition :’(

i contact support with e-mail

i have the same error.
please help

i have the same error but support does not answer me 10 days…
i dont know what to do.

it happens after update 20 days before.

I have found out solution. In my case, the culprit was antivirus program (AVG). Try to stop all the antiviruses/firewalls and run the Epic Game Launcher.

I’ve got a similar problem I think?.

[link text][1]

no you have another problem. это не то бля

Support does not answer 10 days.
I have tried re-install game, drivers, create a new windows user, nothing works.