Dynamic NavArea not working

After banging my head for several days I’ve decided to ask here.

In short: I can’t get custom navrea working on the pawn. See images which describe the problem.

Also see long description in the end of the post after the images.

Long version:
Basically what I’m trying to achieve is to make pawns avoid each other. For that I want pathfinding system to return path which is around other pawns (around their collision). Thus I wanted to mark pawn collision area with special navarea.

I don’t use character movement since I got custom movement, so I can’t use engine’s avoidance systems. I only call pathfinding system to get set of points from start to end and do everything on myself on from that point.

As I understand with this approach (if I’m going to make it work at first) navmesh will be rebuilt very oftern, is this theoretically viable approach at all? I can make it to rebuild only when pawns come to a stall, this way pawns will at least avoid other standing pawns, this should not trigger every frame navmesh rebuilding.

p.s. Btw, my world is very small, around 200x200 units.

OK, there were several problems here:

  • first one was that terrain had navmodifier for some reason (probably left from old testint) and that caused very strange behavior of other navvolumes
  • then to make capsule work with navmodifier I had to ensure it’s Z position is above the terrain (~5 units in my case)
  • and of course enable all the flags on the pawn & capsule collision