Keeping mouse axis with -simmobile/-simmobileinput

I’m in the process of porting a UDK game from mobile to desktop. The game makes heavy use of textured MobileInputZones via Kismet. The Kismet is an impenetrable mess that I’d prefer to modify as little as possible, so I’m trying everything that I can to leave the MobileInputZones and their associated Kismet in place for the desktop version of the game.

I’ve found that starting the game with -simmobileinput -simmobile (in that order) will give me a DX renderer, and emulation of taps from mouse clicks, which gets me most of the way to my goal of leaving the input zones in place. FWIW -simmobileinput on its own doesn’t work, and the flags in a different order yield an ES2 renderer.

The problem is that -simmobileinput apparently disables the mouse axis, and aMouseX/aMouseY never change. I need the mouse axis in order to have a cursor. Binding the OnReceivedNativeInputAxis delegate indicates that no data is being sent for the mouse axis when the aforementioned flags are set.

If I can re-enable the mouse axis while the flags are set, and it’s ok to ship a game with said flags, I’ll be home free.

Otherwise, I’ve been trying to emulate touches without -simmobileinput from UnrealScript without success, as it seems to me that they can only be generated in native code. If I could do that, I could have a cursor and functional MobileInputZones.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile: I’m not super familiar with UDK and resources are lacking nowadays.