How do I reinstall Unreal Engine after a PC Reset?

I have Unreal Engine 4.16 installed. I am looking to reset my PC (Windows 10). I will have the backup of the thing installed in the Program Files Folder. Can anyone please guide me through the exact steps of reinstalling UE from the backup of C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16 whole folder


As for the reinstalling part, I would personally fresh install the launcher and the engine to avoid any potential issues.

And if you have assets downloaded from the marketplace, you can back them up*. They are stored in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache
*As for pasting to the same locating into Vault from the backed up, i don’t think it will work.
Or, you could as well fresh download the assets from your Library.

As for your projects, you can copy paste the entire folder from your backup to the new location C:\users"your_account"\Documents\Unreal Engine
and then link your projects from the UE4 launcher.

hope it help!