Navmesh TileSizeUU less than 300

In RecastNavmesh tile size is defined as follows

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Generation, config, meta=(ClampMin = "300.0"))
float TileSizeUU;

However my whole world is 200x200 (very small) so I’m not able to tile it. Any specific reason why 300 is there??

I’ve tried to subclass ARecastNavmesh and override TileSizeUU in PostEditChangeProperty. While that indeed creates tiles but that gives strange results - MinRegionArea stopped working.

If your world is 200x200 then one 300x300 tile would be enough to cover it. If you need more than one tile you can try hacking the size but make sure to lower the CellSize as well - I don’t remember the details, but in general you want tile width to contain at least couple of voxels (like a houndred).

If you need full, regular navmesh support in such a small world I’d suggest scaling the world up.



Seems like I really should use 1 tile since recast does not remove areas below min region which touch tile borders…