Is it impossible to have two files whose name is same prefix?

I want to separate interface and class file like Pimpl pattern.
In “TestObject.h”, class code is like this,

class ITestObject
	virtual void DoSomething() = 0;

and In “TestObjectImpl.h”, class code is like this,

#include "TestObject.h"
#include "TestObjectImpl.generated.h"

class UTestObject : public UObject, public ITestObject
	void DoSomething() override {}

Then, this kinds of error occur.

Class ‘UTestObject’ contains a dependency (#include or base class) to itself.
I found a similar question at here.

I guess it’s some magic of UHT, but I don’t know how to workaround.

The class name should be changed.
After chaning UTestObject to UTestObjectImpl, compiling is success.
I guess UE4 treat UTestObject and ITestObject as same class name. :frowning: