Toggleable character view settings? (complex i think)

Hey guys sorry for such a long nooby question but my goal would be to try and recreate the DayZ Standalone character camera modes or soemthing like it.
I constructed my own TP (third person) BP (blueprint) game from cratch using the starter content FBX files and imported the FPP FBX files (mesh,skel,anim ect.) to be used in the FP (first person) I have the TP cameras mostly done but:

  1. Any idea how I could construct a BP to stop all player movement when viewing the character in TP?

  2. How could I implement a TRUE FP view like you would have in the FP BP starter project so i can later implement shooter mechanics?

  3. How could I make them toggleable? (much like in DayZ)

  4. How could I create a camera that dislocates and can be moved around withouth the players body moving (much like in DayZ when you press and hold left Alt to look around) <—kinda important as the inventory system is based on this concept)

[If you havent played DayZ or DayZ Standalone Arma 2 camera and character view mechanics would be essentially the same]

Thanks a lot guys for all the help in advance :slight_smile:

If you want to switch between 1P and 3P, you are going to need two meshes. I think you can do this with a single camera with a spring arm.

So in 1P:

  • Set Spring Arm length to 0.
  • Set Spring Arm rotation to 0,0,0
  • Set 1P mesh to ‘Only Owner See’
  • Set 3P mesh to ‘No Owner See’

In 3P:

  • Set Spring arm length to > 0
  • Set spring Arm rotation to get the desired looking angle.
  • Set 1P mesh to Hidden
  • UnSet 3P meshes ‘No Owner See’

For rotating the camera:
This is a bit more involved. YOu must have a bool varibale in the blueprint to indicate if you are in inventory mode. You must have mappings for MouseX and MouseY. On their event handlers, if the InventoryMode is true, you must change the rotation of the SpringArm accordingly (MouseX will change the Yaw, MouseY will change the Pitch).

I will nto say this is the best solution, but it kind of works for me. I am sure someone else will come up with a better solution.

thanks mindfane that was really helpful :stuck_out_tongue:
though i havent built the system yet i think i know now how to go about it. will report back on how it went.

is all this contained within one BP or is 1P and 3P seperate BPs? if its one im going to noob guess the My_character BP would be the one?

Its in a single BP. Refer the First person blueprint template OR better the Shooter game sample. You can see how they setup two meshes in the same BP.

Hi @Czokka
Have you got any updates? If you have resolved it, let us know about it.
