Actor Component Variable is not being Replicated

Hi guys, here’s my setup.
This is done in the spawned PlayerCharacter:

	CharacterInventory = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInventoryActorComponent>(TEXT("Inventory"));

The “UInventoryActorComponent” is a “UActorComponent” with an array “TArray< FItemData > Inventory”.
When I want to add something to this inventory, I call this from the character:

void AProjectZCharacter::ServerAddPickupItemToInventory_Implementation(AItemPickup* NewItem)
	if (NewItem)
		if (GetCharacterInventory()->AddToInventory(NewItem->GetItemData()))
			if (NewItem->GetIsDestroyedOnPickup())

			for (int i = 0; i < GetCharacterInventory()->GetAllInventoryItems().Num(); i++)
				GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Emerald, "Inventory on Server " + CharacterInventory->GetAllInventoryItems()[i].ItemName);

My probem is that the changes to the Inventory are never replicated to the Client PlayerCharacter. The Inventory updates on the server, but the Client doesn’t see the changes. Am I missing something?

I also tried setting the variable inside the InventoryComponent to “UPROPERTY(Replicated)” but that doesn’t work either.
Thanks for your time and help!

Update: It works when I add an OnRep_Inventory Function that does this:

But shouldn’t this be unneccessary? Shouldn’t the local client’s value of Inventory be updated automatically when I change the value on the server?