Problem with adding toolbar button to Blueprint editor

I’m trying to add a toolbar button to Blueprint editor, but with no success. I thought it’ll be just as easy as adding a toolbar button for Level editor using LevelEditorModule.GetToolBarExtensibilityManager()->AddExtender(ToolbarExtender); , so I tried to get FBlueprintEditorModule& BlueprintEditorModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked("Kismet"); . It doesn’t have GetToolBarExtensibilityManager but it has GetMenuExtensibilityManager, so I thought I’ll check this out first. It compiles just fine, but the editor crashes when starting up. So I thought I’m using wrong module name (even though the documentation for FBlueprintEditorModule says it’s Kismet), so I tried BlueprintEditor, BlueprintEditorModule,… none of them worked. Then I found this post and they are using Kismet as a module name and it works for them. I don’t know what am I doing wrong. BlueprintEditorModule.h is included. I have Kismet module in Build.cs of my plugin. Just so it’s clear, problem is with this FBlueprintEditorModule& BlueprintEditorModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked("Kismet"); . I have no problem adding menu or toolbar items to Level editor.

Ok, I changed LoadingPhase in .uplugin to PostEngineInit and it works. Still, I would love to hear an opinion on this solution from someone, who actually knows something about it.

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