Creating a Damaging Flame-thrower

Spawn hitspheres alongside. On Hit → Apply Damage. There is also the OnParticleCollide Event for CPU Particles. Simple as that.

Its a Mathematical Sphere x) there are no polygons there like on a Mesh. Won´t get cheaper than that in terms of Shapes even if you use a Bunch of them.

Anyway if there are any Performance concerns thats why we got a Profiler build into UE4.

It is a pc game, and almost a first person shooter, it is a platform. But I want the animation to be prolonged as I fire the weapon, or shortened if released early, ect

How do I create a Damaging Flamethrower? I can’t find any good tutorials, (in fact barely any) that does so.

I have created a particle system that mimics a Flamethrower, however I wish to use this as a weapon effect once firing an action button, and then damages the enemy per instance/hit/animation/time (ect), I have a basic Damage Interface to receive such inputs but how do I link the action button, to firing the animation, and prolonging the animation to further resulting in damage to an enemy?

I am guessing firing an invisible line trace in the shape of a cone that once hits the enemy can do this,but it still doesn’t fur fill my question and answer.

Will that be per image/animation in my particle effect?

Did you find the solution for your query? I have the same inquiry as you