Version 4.16.3 packaging does not work

Hello, I’m running Windows 10 (Recently installed creators update)

I just updated to 4.16.3 and created a new blank project. All I added to the level is a mesh I imported from blender (almost a box) which has a very simple would material. I tried packaging it to just ‘see how it would look’ on my phone, but the output log also halts at: "UATHelper: Packaging (Android (All)): Cook: LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C: . . . " in the cooking process.

To check if I did something wrong or it was just the version of the engine, I opened an old project from 4.13.2 (which has packaged successfully in the past) and tried to package that. It’s a very simple 2D game and it failed to package too. Got stuck in the same place^^

I’m just wondering if this is a bug and is anybody else experiencing it. I’m very cheesed right now…