IK Offset when using Layered Blend per Bone

I’m not sure if this is a bug or if it’s intended. I create a Two Bone IK node for a hand on the Animation Blueprint and after that i do a Layered blend per bone on spine_01 with an animation that has a different height overall. When i select the Two Bone IK node to select the effector location from the preview it has a big offset from where the bone is, so if i try to use it in the game as a world space the hand won’t be where i’m telling it to be, it will have this offset. I can send the project if needed.

The anim i used:

The animgraph with the layered blend per bone:

The animgraph without the layered blend per bone (working fine)

If i do the layered blend per bone first it works, but there are cases when you want to do the ik before the layered blend, in those cases what can we do? Thank you.

is there a tutorial you would suggest for two bone IK for hand? The ones I saw was for feet and I am not sure how to make it work for hand.