Why my actor teleports back to start after movement key is released

why does my actor teleport s back to player start location after movement key is released?
how do i fix this issue
i want the player to have collision with outside walls also thats why i have checked sweep

input axis move forward1 is set to w =1 s= -1

also just to clarify
i want to make a asteroid like game so the player rotates by mouse but moves forward s and backwards

You are multiplying destination vector by InputAxis, which when you release the key is 0. Hence, you are setting actor location to 0,0,0. I do recommend checking out template projects for how to properly move your character. If, however, you have to stick with your idea, try AddActorWorldOffset node instead of Set.

thank you that works

I’m glad. Please, accept my answer for this question :wink: