Rotate actor locally

Hi, I want my actor to be rotated around his local up axis (pawn).
SetRelativeRotation doesn’t seem to work, so maybe someone knows another way.

FVector CenterToThis = this->GetActorLocation() - Center;
CenterToThis = CenterToThis.RotateAngleAxis(RightRotSpeed * Delta * RotateRightVal, this->GetActorUpVector());

	this->SetActorLocation(Center + CenterToThis);
	this->SetActorRelativeRotation(FRotator(0, Delta * RotateRightVal * RightRotSpeed,0));

Does this code work?
this->RootComponent->MoveComponent(FVector(0.0f), FRotator(Delta * RotateRightVal * RightRotSpeed), false);

Well I think I solved it, the actual problem is that my pawn doesn’t rotate

FVector::Rotation() works too well for this :smiley: