Compile Errors

Getting errors:
Error C3867 ‘FVector::Normalize’: non-standard syntax; use ‘&’ to create a pointer to member 19
Error C2679 binary ‘=’: no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type ‘overloaded-function’ (or there is no acceptable conversion) 19

planetNormals[i] = v.Normalize;

in this function:

void UPlanetBuilder::SetVertex(int i, int x, int y, int z) {
	FVector v = FVector(x, y, z) * 2.0 / gridSize - FVector(1);

	planetNormals[i] = v.Normalize;
	planetVertices[i] = planetNormals[i] * Radius;

Which I think is causing a bunch of other errors:

void UPlanetBuilder::SetVertex(int i, int x, int y, int z) {
FVector v = FVector(x, y, z) * 2.0 / gridSize - FVector(1);
v.Normalize(toleranzFloatValue); // convert in Place, returns bool and sets to 0,0,0 if failed
FVector newVec = v.GetSafeNormal(toleranzFloatValue); // returns new
FVector newVec2 = v.GetUnsafeNormal(toleranzFloatValue); // returns new without length check
planetNormals[i] = v; // or newVec, newVe2
planetVertices[i] = planetNormals[i] * Radius;