Installer Warning 1909

I keep getting an error during my installation that seems to do with permissions and i cant quite figure out a solution.


the error seems to be talking about this

MSI (s) (BC:78) [11:20:47:834]: Executing op: ShortcutCreate(Name=6sozqlou|Epic Games Launcher,,,FileName=C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win32\EpicGamesLauncher.exe,,WorkingDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\,,,,,Description=Launch the Epic Games Launcher,,,,)
CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: 6sozqlou|Epic Games Launcher
MSI (s) (BC:78) [11:20:47:916]: Note: 1: 2105 2: -2147024891 3: Epic Games Launcher.lnk 
Warning 1909. Could not create Shortcut Epic Games Launcher.lnk. Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it.

Editing permissions from the security tab in properties of

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

fixed the problem

this is not work

I relly don’t know how to fix the error 1909