Spacebar not working with certain combinations of keys

So I’ve got a bit of an odd issue here. I’m working a mechanic for strafe-jumping; the character holds down D, they jump right, the character holds down S, they jump back, the character holds down A and W, they jump diagonally forwards and to the left. The way I’m handling this is incredibly sloppy but I’m new to the engine and not aware of a better way to do it (separate boolean variable for W, A, S, and D that stores whether the key is currently depressed, then a bunch of AND gates that register combinations, this goes into a sequence of branches that assigns a value to an integer based on which key or combinations of keys is held down, which then goes to a Launch Character). The problem I’m having, is that if any combination of keys involving S and A or D (S ∧ (A ∨ D)) will cause the jump to not work. I’ve tried replacing InputActionJump with an event that calls whenever the spacebar is pressed, but neither one works correctly. The pressing of the spacebar does not register when I press it if the prior combination of keys is also held.

Why might this be? Is there some setting I tweaked by accident or that I need to tweak?

Also: if I replace the InputActionJump/Spacebar with Left Shift, it works just fine.

that’s what i was going to suggest. different keyboards are setup in different ways. cheaper keyboards will only handle 3 key presses at a time. more expensive ones will sometimes handle more but it’s not always with every key. example, some razer keyboards will handle up to 7 press from WASD plus a few other, selected keys.

please mark your problem as answered.

This was an issue with my keyboard, not the engine.