Error Infinite Loop detected in Bp_pickup , asserted during DestroyActor with the following Call Stack

i have done the endless runner game a while ago, but as im trying it out again i get this strange error i dont know why .
It was working properly but as i added few more thing to game it just wont play and give me this error . i tried re-doing it but that wont help. i tried deleting the actor nodes but it would just jump from one actor BP to the other

call stack

Script call stack:
Function /Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/Bp_pickup.Bp_pickup_C:BndEvt__coin _K2Node_ComponentBoundEvent_1_ComponentBeginOverlapSignature__DelegateSignature
Function /Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/Bp_pickup.Bp_pickup_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Bp_pickup

When im hitting simulate and then posses it does run

since its detecting an infinite loop when an actors is destroyed there seems to be something wrong with the implementation of that loop no? So I would recommend focusing your efforts on that, if you still want help you would need to post a screenshot of the blueprint, its hard to say anything helpful without that.