4.3.0-0 Character movement calls from external blueprints don't work

Say I want to jump, and I want every other character of a certain type to jump as well. In the player character you could use a blueprint like so:

This worked fine in 4.2, but in the 4.3 preview, only the player character jumps, while the second call to Jump doesn’t seem to do anything.

Similarly, if I try to do this in a controller instead of in the character itself, using GetAllActorsOfClass to dispatch the jump message, those calls don’t do anything in 4.3.

In both cases, it iterates through all the matching actors just fine, and if I put a breakpoint on the last call to Jump it will get called for every matching actor, but the actor just stands there.

AddMovementInput also fails in the same way, and worked fine in 4.2.

(On the plus side, the 4.3 preview seems to be a lot more stable than 4.2, and the redirect nodes are quite nice.)


I’ve just tried this and its working for me in 4.3.0. The only thing I had to make sure to do was to assign a valid Controller to my characters. Do you have controllers assigned?

Ah, I see. It looks like 4.3 changed the default for AIController Class from AIController to None.