Skybox as walls or occlussion culling invisible wall?

A question popped up in my head today, is it possible to apply skyboxmaterial on walls to hide objects behind it and make it look like the Sky sphere or possibly stop objects behind an invisible wall from rendering?
Kinda like how the Nodraw texture in CSGO SDK works if you know what I mean by that.

First picture, the skybox- or invisible walls surround the “gateways” and everything not seen through those gateways are invisible.

Second picture, green is what the player sees, red is what’s hidden just as regular walls work.

I believe there is no such functionality in UE4, as the one you are describing seems to be relying on zone portals and old visibility culling mechanism. However, you can recreate the same effect using blueprints manually.
You could also try settings Use as Occluder to true and Render in main pass to false on blocking material. Maybe that will help.