How to create a scoring system with blueprints?

Can someone plz help with setting up a scroing system in blueprints, I want the player to score points as the player walks through a particle system.

Then at the end all the points must be desplayed in a final score screen.


Hi CmsToxic,

I made a blueprint that increases the players score every time he is walking trough that particle system.

Character Blueprint:


Particle Blueprint:

Furthermore you have to add a basic box (or any shape) to the particle system which will work as hitbox

Hi thx for answering

I just want to hear after i have created those two blueprints how would i be able to display the score count on my hud?


Hi Cms Toxic!
To draw the score to your HUD you just need to make some small adjustments:

Character Blueprint:

Your HUD Blueprint:

I hope everything is clear by just watching these pictures, else feel free to ask.


Hi thx for the new answer

Just want to hear how did you go about creating the custom event? I am not sure how to create that.


Never mind i got it thx


Sorry for me asking again, it is just that it is not working… how would i go about creating a hit box the correct way for the particle system and making it interact with my character? and one thing i failed to mention is that my character is going to be a particle system as well.


Have you made sure the font is visible? Try making it luminous green and at least set screen x and y to 1 so it will show in the top left corner at the very least.

I followed this and it works great.

If you want your own hitbox, in the components section of the particle blueprint, put a cube or a any other shape in it. In the properties/details for that shape you’ve added, you can set what behavior you want for it.

(I am using a sphere mesh for mine at the moment and using a sphere wireframe shape as a hitbox)