DebugGame: Superclass UnrealEdEngine of class ... not found

I’m overriding UGameEngine using this wiki article and ran into an issue compiling. The DebugGame Editor build compiles fine, but when I compile the DebugGame configuration, I get the following error:

 20>  Building UnrealHeaderTool... 
  20>  Target is up to date.
  20>  Parsing headers for MVProject
  20> LogCompile : error : Superclass UnrealEdEngine of class CouplingEditorGameEngine not found

My code for the header for CouplingEditorGameEngine looks like:

#pragma once

#include "UnrealEd.h"

#include "CouplingEditorGameEngine.generated.h"

UCLASS(config=Engine, transient)
class UCouplingEditorGameEngine : public UUnrealEdEngine {

	virtual ~UCouplingEditorGameEngine();

	virtual void Init(class IEngineLoop* InEngineLoop) override;

So my questions are:

  1. Can I include both the Editor Game Engine and the Game Engine overrides in the same module or do I need seperate modules?
  2. If the answer to the same module question is yes, what am I doing wrong here?

You need to make another module: