[BUG] Blueprint error after hot reload!

If I compiled sources manually, there are no any problems. But sometimes after hot reload (if new function added) I got this strange error, which take impossibility to use editor without manually recompliation.

The error in blueprints:

Error Could not find a function named " MyFunctionName " in ’ MyClassName

Make sure ’ MyClassName ’ has been compiled for " My Function Name "

It’s not for every user-defined function, but HotReload removes large amout of functions and BP can’t find them…

Furthermore! If I click again to HotReload, copilation starts again, and successfully done. But if I tried to compile my blueprint I got fatal error in IsValidLowLevelFast check function (at source BlueprintGeneratedClass.cpp at 1240 line, function FArchive& operator<<(UObject*& Object) , src if (!ensureMsgf( (Object == nullptr) || Object->IsValidLowLevelFast() ).

Same in 4.25

Have you found a resolution / workaround for this? I"m having this issue and it’s causing me a lot of grief.

Got the same in 4.13 and 4.17